Frequently Asked Questions
Q1 : General and Specifications
- 1-1. Where can I get this application ?
- 1-2. Can I use this application on Android™ ?
- 1-3. Which camcorder can I use with ?
Q2 : Import and save file
- 2-1. My camcorder is not recognized.
- 2-2. Can I use two or more camcorders at the same time ?
- 2-3. I can't save files to the Library.
- 2-4. Can I run the process to save to the Library in the background ?
- 2-5. Camcorder is not displayed on Movie Uploader when connecting the iOS device with camcorder through AD HOC.
- 2-6. I can't save to the photo library.
- 2-7. While importing the videos, Movie Uploader goes to the background and the thumbnails disappears when I bring the screen forefront.
- 2-8. I can't tell if the images of the videos are rotated with the thumbnail list.
Q3 : Edit
- 3-1. I can't play back movie files.
- 3-2. When playing back a movie file, it takes a long time to start or the playback stops in the middle.
Q4 : File sharing/forwarding
- 4-1. I can't tap the button to upload to YouTube™/Facebook®.
- 4-2. The message "Waiting... Please connect to the Internet." is displayed and I can't upload files.
- 4-3. Can I run the upload process in the background or while the screen is locked ?
- 4-4. The progress bar does not indicate properly while uploading to YouTube™/Facebook®.
- 4-5. The video uploaded to YouTube™/Facebook® stops in the middle.
- 4-6. The message "You have reached the daily access limit for YouTube. Please try again after a while." is displayed and I can't upload to YouTube™.
- 4-7. Even though I canceled a file upload, the file still appears to be on YouTube™.